
Uncover New Investment Opportunities!

Lendo’s credible, secure, and  reliable crowd-lending platform is designed to help investors land new investment opportunities and make the most out of their savings
The Concept

What is Crowd-Lending?

Crowd or peer-to-peer lending is an alternative financing solution that helps individuals borrow from others. In Lendo's case, businesses borrow from individual investors. It’s a short-term financing that doesn’t give lenders/investors any equity in the company.

Why is crowd-lending gaining increased popularity?
Frees lenders and borrowers from  the hassle of having a middle-person (e.g., traditional financial institutions)
Facilitates everything virtually without requiring any in-person meetings.
 Speeds up the financing process from weeks to a few days.
Enables flexible terms compared to banks
Grants more flexibility, with a wide range of interest rates based on the borrower’s credit rating.
How lendo works

Start using Lendo in 3 simple steps

Your gateway to a new financial future starts here.
1. Sign Up
Sign up as an investor on the Lendo platform. We'll take care of all the data integration and verification for you. 
2. Invest
Top up your wallet and start investing upon completing the signup process. You can invest either manually or through our Auto-invest. Learn more! 
3. Earn
You'll get your principal amount back and earn profits hassle-free. We take care of crediting funds to the business bank accounts and collecting payments on time.
Value proposition

Start your investment journey with Lendo's secure & diverse opportunities

Up to 24%
Annual returns
1,000 SAR
Minimum participation amount
30 - 180 Days
Short-term investment
4 Risk grades
Diversify your portfolio
Clear fees
Lendo offers individual investors access to a wide range of solutions that bring you endless investment opportunities. Our credit assessment also ensures that your money will go to creditworthy businesses.
Make well-informed investment decisions with our data-driven, credible risk analysis. 
Access new investment solutions that you can control.
Gain rewarding returns on your short-term investments.
Invest through a Shariah-Compliant platform. 
Get clarity on fees right from the start. Lendo has no hidden fees.
Enjoy flexible financing solutions under very reasonable conditions.
Support the growth of businesses through financing products.

Highly Reliable Scoring Engine

Highly Reliable Scoring Engine!

Every single business applying for a loan through Lendo goes through a rigorous risk assessment process. We only post approved business funding opportunities on the platform.

Our scoring engine’s four-risk rating (A, B, C, D) helps investors decide which opportunity to fund based on their risk appetite.

Trustworthy Data Sources

Our scoring engine uses more than 100 data points to accurately predict investment risks — all while being. integrated with the Saudi credit bureaus SIMAH and Bayan, the Ministry of Commerce, and other reputable institutions.

Follow your investment through the app

The Lendo app gives you full visibility. You'll be able to see the amountinvested and the expected net profits on the Portfolio Summary.
Invest in financing businesses
Track your investments
Manage your portfolio