Issued on August 1st, 2023
Updated on September 1st, 2024

1. The Lendo platform (hereinafter referred to as "Lendo" or the "Lendo Platform") is operated by Lendo Saudi Arabia for Financing, a closed joint-stock company established under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with commercial registration number 1010499636. The company holds a regulatory sandbox license from the Saudi Central Bank for debt crowdfunding, license number (61/ش/202203). Its main office is located at 3074 Olaya Street – Olaya District, Riyadh 12213 – 8022, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These general terms and conditions apply to all users of the Lendo Platform and any services offered through the platform and its website.

2. You must read the terms and conditions carefully before using Lendo’s website, as these terms and conditions explain the services provided by Lendo and define the obligations and rights between Lendo and the website user. The platform must not be used if you do not fully understand all the terms and conditions. Your use of this website means you acknowledge, agree to, and understand these terms and conditions, and that you accept and will comply with them. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions or cannot comply with them, you must refrain from using the website.

3. Lendo reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time for legal, regulatory, security, or other reasons at its sole discretion. Notifications about any changes will be made through appropriate means at least 30 days in advance to allow you to take necessary actions. These amendments will be binding, and we recommend that you visit the website periodically to stay informed of any changes to the terms and conditions.

4. These terms and conditions should be read alongside the terms of service, the FAQs, and the privacy policy posted on the website. For any inquiries related to the website or these terms and conditions, please contact us via email at

About the Lendo Platform

The Lendo platform is an online service that enables users to access financing offers presented by businesses seeking funding through investment campaigns on the platform. Investing in these campaigns is governed by a separate investment agreement, which outlines the details of the investment opportunity. For this purpose, businesses seeking financing post their information on the Lendo platform. It is important to note that Lendo is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by businesses seeking financing.

Eligibility Criteria for Registration

1. To access the website, you must be at least 18 years old, as per the Gregorian calendar. You confirm that you have full legal and Sharia-compliant capacity to access this website, that you are competent to contract, and that you are not prohibited from using Lendo’s services or the investment account under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. You also acknowledge that you will be required to register either as an investor (participant) or a business seeking financing (financing applicant) (both referred to as “users”). Lendo reserves the right to reject your registration request if the specified criteria and terms are not met. You must follow the registration procedures on the website to become a participant or a business seeking financing, in accordance with the required terms for each, including creating a username and password for website access, and complying with all registration requirements and procedures.

2. When registering as an investor or a business seeking financing, you will be required to provide detailed information about yourself or the company you represent. Lendo has the right to request additional documents to meet the registration requirements for investment or financing requests. Lendo may verify the user using government verification services, such as the “Yaqeen” service provided by “Elm” when necessary. You also agree to update your information immediately if it changes or was entered incompletely or incorrectly.

3. You guarantee and confirm that all the information you provide, as required above, is true and accurate. As a user, you bear full responsibility if incorrect data is entered during registration or at any stage of platform use.

License to Use the Website

Unless stated otherwise, Lendo owns the intellectual property rights to this website and any materials published on it. You may view or download content for reference purposes only, and you may print pages from the website for personal use, subject to any restrictions or conditions in these terms and conditions. No website user may:
- Republish any material from this website (including reposting on other websites or pages) without obtaining Lendo’s written consent.
- Sell, rent, or sub-license the use of any material from this website.
- Publicly display any material from this website.
- Reproduce, duplicate, photocopy, or otherwise use any material from this website for commercial purposes, or for any purpose other than financing investments or obtaining financing.
- Edit or modify any content of this website in any way.
- Redistribute any materials from this website, unless such materials are specifically intended for redistribution.
It should be noted that when content is intended for redistribution, it must be distributed only in accordance with these terms and conditions.

Prohibited Use

1. Users must not use this website in any way that causes or may cause damage to the website or impairs its availability or accessibility, or in any way that is illegal, unlawful, fraudulent, harmful, or connected to any illegal, unlawful, fraudulent, or harmful activity.
2. You must not use the website to copy, store, host, transmit, send, use, publish, or distribute any material that contains (or is linked to) any spyware, virus, or other malicious software of any kind.
3. You must not conduct any automated or software-driven process to collect information (e.g., deep data searches, information aggregation, or extraction using spyware or specialized software) from the website or from us without explicit written consent from Lendo.
4. You must not use the website to transmit or send unsolicited commercial communications without written authorization from Lendo.
5. You must not use this website for any marketing or promotional purposes without Lendo’s explicit written approval.

Service Fees

1. Users of the Lendo platform must pay all fees required for the use of the platform’s services. All fees are to be paid through the available and approved payment channels on the platform. Lendo will inform users of the applicable fees, and Lendo reserves the right to change its fees at any time. Fees are calculated based on the value of the transactions, inclusive of all applicable charges.

2. Businesses seeking financing must pay administrative fees in exchange for the services provided by Lendo, including due diligence, investigation for auditing and verifying information before crowdfunding, analysis, and evaluation of the financial status and repayment ability of the business seeking financing, as well as other fees that may arise for additional services required for due diligence.

3. If you have any inquiries regarding the services provided by Lendo, you may contact the Lendo platform via email at


1. The Lendo platform does not guarantee that the website will be continuously available for use without interruption due to the nature of the internet. It does not guarantee the availability of the website or any part of it for use, nor that it will be free of technical errors at any time. The website is not guaranteed to be free from computer viruses or any other harmful components. Lendo is not responsible for any loss, damage, or costs incurred as a result of an inability to access the website or any part of it at any time, for any reason.

2. The Lendo platform does not offer any explicit or implicit warranties of any kind. Neither Lendo, its employees, directors, agents, nor any service providers (acting on behalf of Lendo) guarantee the accuracy or reliability of any information published on the website. Lendo does not guarantee the suitability of any of the services offered on the website for the specific purpose you intend. Under these terms and conditions, Lendo confirms that there are no explicit or implied warranties regarding all the information and services provided on the website, except for warranties that cannot be excluded under the applicable laws of Saudi Arabia.

Users acknowledge and warrant the following:
- They are eligible to register on and use the Lendo platform.
- The name provided during account registration is either their personal name or the registered trade name with the Ministry of Commerce or the Ministry of Investment.
- They will not use the investment account on behalf of any natural or legal person (except with proper authorization in the case of a legal entity).
- They comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- They will not use Lendo’s services for any fraudulent projects or in any way that would disrupt the use of the platform.
- They are not subject to or listed on any prohibited or restricted party lists, nor are they owned or controlled by any such party, including but not limited to lists by the Saudi authorities, the UN Security Council, the US government (such as the US Treasury's list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons, the US Foreign Sanctions Evaders List, and the US Commerce Department’s Entity List), the European Union, or other applicable governmental authorities.


Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to exclude or limit any warranties that are required by applicable law and that would be unlawful to exclude or limit. Similarly, nothing herein excludes or limits Lendo's liability for any:
- Death or personal injury resulting from Lendo's negligence.
- Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by Lendo, or any matter where it would be unlawful to exclude or limit liability or attempt to do so.
- Any other liabilities that may not be excluded or limited under applicable laws, including product liabilities and damages arising from the loss of life, personal injury, or harm to health.

Limitation of Liability

Lendo will not be liable to you (whether under contract law, tort law, or otherwise) for any content on or use of the website or any other reason related to it, including:
- Direct losses, as long as the use of the website is available free of charge.
- Any indirect, special, or consequential losses.
- Loss of business, income, profits, savings, contracts, commercial relationships, goodwill, reputation, or data.

Lendo is also not responsible if the required financing amount is not fully raised during the offering period. It has the right to cancel the offering and refund the amounts collected from participants without any liability or need for their approval.

Credit Risk and Default Probability

1. You acknowledge and agree that any content published on the website does not constitute a recommendation or advice on the suitability of any financing opportunity listed on the Lendo platform. Neither Lendo nor its directors, officers, employees, or third-party service providers will provide you with any direct or indirect advice regarding the nature, value, or suitability of any financing or investment, nor the possibility of recovering invested funds and associated returns. Lendo is not authorized to offer or provide any investment or financing advice.

2. You acknowledge and agree that this website does not provide guarantees against defaults or late payments by businesses seeking financing. It is recommended that you consult a financial advisor experienced in such types of financing to obtain independent advice before making any investment decisions that may result in the total loss of your investment. You should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose, and in case of loss, your liability is limited to the invested amount only.

3. You acknowledge and agree that investing in the financing opportunities listed on the Lendo platform involves high risks and may result in the total loss of the invested amount. The higher the expected rate of return from the investment, the higher the risk of loss.

4. You acknowledge and agree that all credit ratings and financial data available on the website are collected from external sources, and where possible, Lendo has verified this data to the extent commercially feasible. However, Lendo does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of such information or its completeness, timeliness, or correctness and disclaims any responsibility for the credibility of this information.

Collection Agent

1. If the business seeking financing (the "borrower") fails to make a payment under the Murabaha agreement, the Lendo platform will take the necessary steps to recover the outstanding amount, which may include discussions with the borrower and/or restructuring the financing to attempt recovery of unpaid amounts.
2. The Lendo platform understands that the borrower may breach its repayment obligations under the Murabaha agreement if it encounters liquidity problems, declining sales revenues, or other unforeseen events. Lendo, on behalf of the participant (investor), will decide whether to approve the borrower’s request for restructuring the financing.

3. The collection agent is authorized under these terms and conditions to take all reasonable steps to protect the participant’s (investor's) rights, which may include executing on guarantees, whether personal or corporate, promissory notes, and other forms of collateral provided by the borrower, and taking any available corrective actions or other measures in line with the applicable regulations.

4. If the Lendo platform is unable to recover any amounts under any guarantees provided by the borrower, it will refer the unpaid amount to the collection agent, who will attempt to collect the outstanding amounts on your behalf. Legal and administrative fees and costs for the collection agent will be deducted from all amounts collected from the borrower. The Lendo platform is committed to informing the participant (investor) of all actions taken by the collection agent, although Lendo cannot guarantee the success of any legal proceedings undertaken on your behalf.

5. Lendo and the collection agent are entitled to charge collection fees to the borrower, which will be deducted from the total amount being collected from the borrower, and these collection fees will take priority over any distributions payable to the participants (investors).

6. You agree that all dealings with the borrower and any guarantor will be limited to us and the collection agent acting on your behalf to recover the outstanding amounts. You may not take any individual action in this regard or deal with the borrower or guarantor unless we have agreed otherwise in writing. Lendo will keep you informed of the actions taken to collect unpaid amounts and recover the outstanding balances.

Conflict of Interest Policy

1. Protecting the interests of Lendo, investors, and businesses seeking financing is a priority, and potential and actual conflicts of interest between the company, its board members, employees, shareholders, and investors are managed accordingly. The conflict of interest policy also aims to reinforce the company's values, which include integrity, teamwork, care, initiative, and achievement, to avoid personal, familial, or professional interests impacting the performance of duties toward the company or its clients.

2. You acknowledge that we, any of our subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees, agents, or any other person with whom we have a relationship may have a material interest or relationship in any transaction you may enter into on the platform, which may give rise to a conflict of interest. We are not obligated to disclose such a conflict of interest or justify any material relationship with any transaction unless required by applicable law. Nevertheless, all services we provide on this platform will be conducted independently and impartially without consideration of any material interest or relationship.

Intellectual Property

Lendo Saudi Arabia for Financing (“Lendo Platform”) owns all intellectual property rights related to this website, including copyrights, registered and unregistered trademarks, design rights, unregistered designs, database rights (present and future), documents, materials related to the services, and all other existing or future intellectual property rights on the website. As a user, you agree to take all necessary actions and sign all required documents, both now and in the future, as reasonably requested to assign any such intellectual property rights to Lendo Saudi Arabia for Financing.

Lendo retains ownership of all intellectual property rights concerning any data you upload or submit electronically to the website. As a user, you grant Lendo a permanent, exclusive, royalty-free, and irrevocable license to use, copy, distribute, publish, and transmit this data worldwide. Downloading any content from the website does not grant you ownership of that content, and you may not modify or use it for purposes other than those specified. The intellectual property rights of the content remain entirely with Lendo Saudi Arabia for Financing or its licensors.

Breach of Terms and Conditions

Without prejudice to Lendo's other rights outlined in these terms and conditions, if you violate these terms and conditions in any way, Lendo may take any action it deems appropriate, including suspending your account, restricting your access to the website, prohibiting you from accessing the website, blocking devices using your IP address from accessing the website, contacting your internet service provider to request that they block your access to the website, and/or initiating legal proceedings against you.

Information Security and Data Protection

1. Lendo maintains the confidentiality of all personal and business information obtained from financing applicants (businesses seeking financing), investors (participants), or other persons regarding the execution and management of financing agreements. Lendo retains personal data for the purpose of delivering the service requested by the user or authorized by the user. Lendo places the highest priority on protecting all personal and business data.

2. By entering data into their profile on the Lendo platform, users fully consent to Lendo’s use of this data, including making it available to businesses seeking financing where the user has chosen to invest. Lendo may also provide this data to any other necessary party.

3. Businesses seeking financing and investors must maintain the confidentiality of the information they provide, as well as the information they receive from any party through the platform. Users of the website (investors or businesses seeking financing, or their representatives) bear full responsibility for all activities conducted with their username and password and must adhere to the following:
  - Immediately notify Lendo of any unauthorized use of their username or password or any attempt to breach their account.
  - Ensure they log out of their account after each session.

4. Users consent to Lendo having access to, viewing, and using all data stored in their profile. Lendo takes all efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the information and protect the privacy of the data.

5. Lendo implements technical and organizational security measures to protect the information available to it, ensuring the data is not tampered with or manipulated, and safeguarding against unauthorized access, loss, or destruction. These security measures are regularly reviewed and updated.

6. The privacy policy and cookie policy are integral parts of these terms and conditions.

7. Lendo is not liable for any losses or damages caused by failure to comply with these terms and conditions.

Limits of Liability

Lendo will not be liable to you (whether under contract, tort, or any other legal theory) for any content on or use of the website, or for any reason related to the website, including:
- Direct losses, as long as the use of the website is free of charge.
- Any indirect, special, or consequential losses, including losses of business, income, profits, savings, contracts, commercial relationships, goodwill, reputation, or loss or corruption of data.

Lendo is also not responsible if the required funding amount is not fully raised during the offering period. In such cases, Lendo has the right to cancel the offering and return the collected amounts to the participants without liability and without requiring their consent.

Third Parties

You agree that you will not bring any personal legal claims against Lendo's officers, employees, or agents for any losses you suffer in connection with the website. The limitations of liability and restrictions set forth in these terms and conditions apply to and protect Lendo’s officers, employees, agents, affiliates, contractors, and Lendo itself.

Assignment of Rights

Lendo may transfer, assign, subcontract, or otherwise deal with its rights and/or obligations under these terms and conditions without notifying you or obtaining your consent, provided it does not conflict with the applicable laws of Saudi Arabia. You may not transfer, assign, subcontract, or otherwise deal with your rights and obligations under these terms and conditions.

Law and Dispute Resolution

These terms and conditions, and any disputes arising from or related to them, are governed by the applicable laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In case of any disputes regarding these terms and conditions or their interpretation or execution, the Financial Dispute and Violation Committees in Riyadh shall have jurisdiction to hear and resolve such disputes.

General Provisions

1. Lendo may delegate any of its obligations or services through service providers or substitute any of its rights and obligations or transfer them to another party at its sole discretion.

2. Any partial exercise, non-exercise, or delay in exercising any right or remedy by Lendo will not constitute a waiver of that right or any other rights and remedies under these terms and conditions.

3. The jurisdiction over these terms and conditions, and any non-contractual obligations arising from or related to them, belongs to the judicial authorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

4. The privacy policy and cookie policy adopted by the Lendo platform are considered an integral part of these terms and conditions.

5. If any provision of these terms and conditions is deemed illegal, invalid, or unenforceable by a competent court, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.

6. Force majeure events beyond Lendo’s control or that of the users of the platform are excluded from these terms and conditions, including, but not limited to, natural disasters, wars, sabotage, sudden political changes, and governmental actions or regulations that hinder the continuation of business.

7. You must not:
  - Publish any materials from this website (including reposting on other websites) without Lendo’s written consent.
  - Sell, rent, or sub-license any materials from this website.
  - Publicly display any materials from this website.
  - Reproduce, duplicate, or photocopy any materials from this website for commercial purposes.
  - Edit or modify any content from this website.
  - Redistribute any materials from this website unless specifically made available for redistribution.

Contact Information

For any inquiries or comments related to these terms and conditions, please contact Lendo’s legal department:

- Phone: 8001111806
- Email:

If you choose to contact us via email regarding the terms and conditions, please title your email subject line with “Terms and Conditions.”

You also agree that any notifications related to these terms and conditions may be sent electronically, and the electronic notice will be considered received by the recipient and take effect the day after it is sent, regardless of the actual receipt date unless there is proof of a technical issue that delayed the delivery. This is without prejudice to the requirements for official electronic notifications via services such as "Absher."